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How to find the perfect Roommate - Tips and Guide

Here's what you need to do to find your next ideal roommate

Roommatee Find Roommates

1. Define your priorities and preferences

Consider what’s important to you in a roommate. This includes lifestyle habits, work schedule, cleanliness, social habits, and more. Having clear priorities will help you narrow down your search. Always ask yourself are you looking for someone who is meticulous about hygiene, or is a soothing attitude acceptable? What about a person that enjoys having guests or do you prefer a quiet or private place?

2. Create a Roommate Profile

Add information that you think is relevant, such as your working schedule, personal activities, or any special needs. For example, if you work from home, you may want to make sure there's no noise during some hours. Share a bit about shared spaces and how you like to divvy up shared responsibilities. This way, potential roommates will be able to better understand whether your lifestyles blend in with theirs.

3. Ask for Recommendations

Reach out to your friends and family for referrals. Someone might know a person looking for a place to live or someone with good experiences with roommates. Your colleagues may be a great source of referral. They might know someone searching for a roommate as well, or they might be moving and looking for a person to fill up the vacancy created by their leaving the old room. Finally community groups on a local level or neighborhood associations may have bulletin boards or even forums online where people post about available rooms or look for roommates.

4. Interview Potential Roommates

Write down all the questions you would like to ask of a potential roommate. This could be on their daily routine, job/work schedule, cleanliness habits, how they resolve their conflicts, etc. Observe how they interact with you and how they respond to your queries. This will give you a rough idea regarding their nature and whether they will be suitable or not.

5. Check for References and History

Request contact information from the person's past roommates or landlords. That way, you can call them to know about their experience and also learn more about the prospective roommate's habits and reliability. Also, the previous landlords would be contacted for details of their payment history, behavior pattern, and whether there had been any problems regarding tenancy.

6. Discuss Financial Responsibilities

Outline clearly how rent and utilities are to be divided. Will you split everything evenly, or are different arrangements to be made according to room size or other factors?. Discuss how payments are to be made and when they become due and establish a system of paying bills on time to avoid potential disputes. Consider as well some expenses such as cleaning and their preference for hiring or doing it yourself.

7. Set up House Rules

Clearly agree on a cleaning schedule or system to ensure cleanliness in shared areas. This ensures no feud about cleanliness and maintenance. Don't forget a Guest Policy: Set parameters on the basis of when one can have guests over at home and under what grounds. This could help reserve problems regarding privacy and disturbance-related issues. And lastly define "Quiet Hours" - If you work at different times or have varying sleeping habits, you agree upon the quiet hours so all of you feel comfortable with the level of noise in the shared space.

8. Schedule a Trial Period

If possible, plan on living together for a short period of time before agreeing to the lease. This will help you establish whether you are compatible without being bound by the lease agreement. Use the time to check your compatibility in terms of understanding each other and dealing with various problems and conflicts together. Be willing to give and receive feedback during this trial period. If there are any problems, deal with these on an immediate basis to decide whether they can be overcome.

9. Just Follow Your Instincts

Pay attention to your first thoughts and feelings about potential roommates; if it feels off or weird, then address the concern or move forward. Imagine how you would feel around a prospective roommate. For a good living situation together, you would need to have a good comfort level and a sense of openness with each other. Consider whether the potential roommate aligns with your long-term goals and living style. In case of doubt, it is important to continue your search until you get another person who may be considered suitable.


Finding a new roommate can be overwhelming! We get that but... if you build your own process and filtering strategy you'll find yourself getting closer to your ideal roommate. Set a deadline goal when to find your next roommate and start tracking your progress whether it's a lease renewal or moving into a college campus these all should be motivating and had deadlines to take actions.

Johnny Khoueiry

Aug 16, 20246 min

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